It’s hard to believe but we are already at the halfway mark with sweet baby #6! I was 20 weeks pregnant this past Sunday so I thought now would be a good time to give you a quick pregnancy update!

20 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #6
This pregnancy has gone by so fast and so slow all at the same time. I know that really doesn’t make any sense but somehow it feels true! I think being at home this time around makes it different. Not going into work every day has helped me to enjoy this pregnancy a bit more. Plus we are inbetween weather right now in Ohio so to think it’s only 4 months until August 30th feels strange with how chilly it is!
As for how I am feeling right now: I have my energy back which is great! Still moving around and feeling good, with a few aches and pains here or there. Loving pickles for the first time ever…lol. Not sleeping much thanks to not being able to get comfortable. But overall, everything is going great! Bump is growing like crazy and my clothes (even maternity) don’t seem to fit anymore!
The Affects of Quarantine
This COVID-19 quarantine has definitely had some affects on this pregnancy. Thankfully not illness wise…I am so blessed be able to be home with my children and avoid exposure! (My husband is still working full time which is a blessing but also scary…we pray each morning for his safety!)

But the other morning I thought, okay, we were pregnant with this sweet baby for 3 months before we announced it to anyone. So it was just Erik and I who knew, which was really sweet and special! Then we announced our pregnancy on Kip’s 2nd birthday and then a month later we were on lockdown. I think the lack of being with family and friends makes this pregnancy kind of easy to forget!
Along with this quarantine does come some fears of course. I have heard stories of pregnant women coming down with the Coronavirus and it having serious if not deadly affects. And while they say the virus isn’t necessarily worse for a pregnant woman (or that we are high risk), any sickness during pregnancy is hard and scary for both mom and baby. My prayers go to all pregnant mommas out there right now, especially those who have or are going to give birth soon. I have comfort knowing this little one is tucked safe inside for now!

Sibling Excitement
Fears and worry aside, it has been such a blessing to be able to experience this pregnancy with my kids home so much. And the thought of them possibly being home with us until the baby arrives is magical! Our older three are ages 13, 11, & 10 so it’s been neat that they understand a bit more since my pregnancy with Kip and they get to experience it a bit more. (Okay, the mood swings may not be fun for them, but at least they understand the reasoning for them!)
Living each day with five kids in the house while 20 weeks pregnant for number six is no doubt exhausting, but it’s also such a blessing! They get to watch my belly grow each day! They laugh at my waddling and weird cravings. They include me and the baby each morning in our morning prayer. It’s such a beautiful thing!
Click hear to learn about my favorite maternity bra!

20 Week Anatomy Scan
The hubby and I got to see our sweet baby at our 20 week anatomy scan last week! Even after having 5 healthy babies, each moment you get to see that sweet little babe in their thriving, wriggling and squirming is precious! I told the technician that same thing…even with our sixth child, it gives you butterflies! Thankfully, baby number 6 is healthy as can be and growing like a weed! Praise be to God!

Gender Reveal?
And I know you are wondering but we chose to wait to find out the sex of the baby! We did this with all of our other children as well, and while I can’t compare to having an early gender reveal, I can tell you that the magic of that moment of birth and seeing your baby for the first time is amazing. My husband and I both agree, waiting is part of the fun!
Our children don’t agree…lol! It’s safe to say the boys want a brother and the girls want a sister! A sweet girl would even out the score but another boy wouldn’t be so bad either! Either way, I look forward to that moment when our children get to meet their new sibling!

Room in our home and hearts
The children pray each morning for the gender to be the one they prefer, but I just pray each day this sweet one is healthy, grows in my tummy as long as possible (ask me about that again at 40+ weeks!), and we get to hold it, greet it, love it and have it baptized together as a family!
Having a large family these days can be a bit taboo. I am constantly bombarded with not-so-subtle remarks, questions like “Don’t you know what causes that?!”, weird looks or reactions when they see all of us out together…but let me tell you. I know for a fact, this was God’s plan for us all along and it couldn’t be more beautiful! Are we crazy? You bet. Is our house a zoo? Most of the time. How can we afford it? Love is free my friend. And our house is full but our hearts are fuller!
20 weeks and counting
We are 20 weeks pregnant and counting! Are you expecting too? I would love to hear from other mommas who are experiencing pregnancy during this time! Comment below!