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Category: Homeschool

I currently homeschool 3 of our 7 children and I have learned so much over the years. I have done a lot of research on curriculum choices, especially Catholic homeschool curriculum. Alongside our learning, I love to find fun ways to incorporation learning and our faith with fun homeschool crafts and activities. These are some of the activities that we came up with on our own or just love and want to share!


The kids and I had so much fun putting together these simple homemade shrines for each of their rooms! This craft was so easy for them to do and put their own creative ideas into. We had most of the supplies around the house which made this Catholic craft even easier. Read on to learn how we completed this easy homemade shrine craft for kids! Homemade Macaroni Shrine Before we started in on our homemade

5 reasons we chose to homeschool

Homeschooling is something that never, ever crossed my mind. I never had the desire to be a teacher nor did I think I would have to patience to be one. We are very blessed to live in a small community with a great public school that our kids have always done well in. So what changed? Read on to find out why this year we chose to homeschool. Why we chose to Homeschool A lot