The holidays are always a busy time of the year for everyone! And usually means lots of parties and gatherings. Being around so many other people, I find it easy to start comparing myself and sometimes that the comparison game can be a dangerous one. Read on to find out why we need to stop comparing & start counting our blessings!
Stop Comparing & Start Counting your Blessings
During the holidays you will be around other children, other adults, other married couples and parents. You watch them react to your stories and listen to theirs and you hear their opinions. You may even laugh off some of their prying or semi-personal questions. (Why do you do that? or So you are done having kids, right? or You let them do what?) These moments leave you wondering. With these moments come the mind games, the comparison games. Well, comparison is the thief of joy. Stop comparing and start counting your blessings!
The Comparison Game
Everyone has such a different story but it’s so easy to compare your life to theirs. Do they have a better marriage? Are they more patient with their kids? Do they make time for themselves? Do they go to the gym more? Church more? Should I be? Should we be? What should we do?
Don’t let the thief win.
I struggle with this like everyone else. I feel like I am inferior. But I shouldn’t. And in moments where I disagree, I don’t feel strong enough to voice my opinions or choices. But I shouldn’t. I can’t let the thief win.
I can’t let the thief win.
Last night as Erik and I got into bed, I started thinking about this concept. Thoughts were running through my head. Am I too overprotective of my kids? Do I need to make more time for myself? Do we have enough fun as a family? As a couple? Are we too boring? (We were in bed nearly asleep at 9:30!) Are we strange for believing what we believe in our faith? But then I realized something…
You were chosen
The answer to all of those questions was no. And for one reason. As I laid there in bed, in my husbands arms, I realized that I was exactly where I wanted to be. Suddenly nothing else anyone was doing or how they were living mattered. All that matters is that we love our life. We love the way we live, the decisions we’ve made, the path we’ve chose (or He chose for us).
And I rolled over and told Erik that. As weird as it felt and as strange as it had to sound to him. I told him that no matter what, I love our life together. And he does too. God has a better plan than all of us.
Count your blessings
So the next time you find yourself comparing (I know I will be!) remember the reasons for why you are the way you are…why you live the way you live. Don’t let comparison be the thief of joy. Allow it to remind you of the blessings you have. Let it remind you of why you are where you are today.