This past weekend we celebrated Milo’s eighth birthday and it was so much fun! Milo decided he wanted a football theme and that was so fun and easy! I had a blast planning and preparing and Milo had a blast playing all night with his friends!

Birthday prep
I took Friday afternoon off of work and started prepping! With four busy kids, it’s hard to find time to give the house a good, deep clean so I was so excited to have the house to myself for a few hours to have at it!
Friday night Erik and I took Milo out to dinner (and unfortunately for the birthday boy, to get some groceries!) which is a tradition that we started awhile go. We take each of the kids to dinner by themselves so they get some special time with just Mom & Dad! So Milo got pancakes, we got groceries and then headed home to rest up for a big day Saturday!
Saturday morning we ate a quick, easy breakfast (no more dishes than necessary!) and then I started in on the kitchen and the final cleaning. Then it was onto the cooking!
Football Shaped Cake
Making the cake was a blast! I found a quick, easy way to make a football shape cake on Pinterest and Milo loved it! I have always made the kids cakes myself. Sometimes they turn out pretty good and others are less than Pinterest worthy, but they always come from the heart! Plus they are always tasty and I love that a cake mix is only a few bucks!
For the cake, I make two boxes of cake mix which then made two 9″ cakes and about 18 cupcakes. For the football shape I just cut about 1 1/2″ out of the center of the circle and put the two ends together! Icing and that’s it!
Concession Stand Snacks
I also made some other fun ‘concession stand’ food to go along with the football theme! For the boys and others to snack on, we had peanuts, Slim Jim beef sticks, and popcorn. Then for dinner we had brats, hotdogs, sloppy joe, nachos and soft pretzels. Everyone loved it!
Budget-Friendly Party Decor
I don’t usually go too crazy on decor because I don’t like to spend a lot. With that said, I try to get creative with what I have! For the snack table I just used a chalkboard I had at home, the boys’ play football helmet and some other trays and such I had. I did buy some new little tin buckets to add to my arsenal! Friday afternoon I picked up the balloons and had them at home to surprise him after school and they doubled as party decor!
I went to the dollar store for the plastic table covers, which are super cheap and easy! I laid out his extra invites for people to grab if they wanted. Finally, as a little party favor I picked up some eye black stickers and the boys loved it!
The Party was a success
Everything went over really great! All of our family and friends had a good time, enjoyed the good food and company! I loved watching all of the boys play in the yard all night. Their energy is electric and they were none stop! I also loved bringing all of them home and hearing them all chatter about in the back of the van. You could tell they all had the best time!
Read all about Chase’s camping-themed birthday party here!
I am still in a bit of denial that my baby boy is eight! I really can’t believe it! But I am so glad that I was able to pull off the best party for him! I think he really enjoyed everything about his birthday and to me that is the best feeling ever!