Spring is a season of renewal. The world around us becomes alive after the slowness and darkness of winter and that sparks a desire to renew and refresh our homes and our hearts! Many homemakers are beginning to plan their gardens, digging out spring wardrobes, prepping for Easter and planning a deep cleaning. This year, make cleaning easier with a simple and organized checklist…read on to learn more!

Free Printable Spring Cleaning Checklists
To simplify my life (and yours) this year, I have created 3 easy-to-use checklists for spring cleaning! The checklist includes a whole-house list, a more detailed, room-by-room list and as a bonus, a spiritual & personal cleaning checklist as well! These three lists are wrapped up in one, easy-to-use printable!

Simple, Whole-Home Spring Cleaning
There are so many things in our homes that need clean periodically and because of that, sometimes they are overlooked! Some things are obvious like cleaning walls and windows, but others may not be, like cleaning light fixtures and under furniture. This list has 18 items that can be done in each room of the house.

Detailed, Room-by-Room Spring Cleaning
Sometimes our spring cleaning will differ a bit from room to room. And most of us don’t have time to tackle the whole home at once! So that is where the detailed, room-by-room spring cleaning checklist comes into use. It details areas that need cleaned not only in the overall home, but in the kitchens, bedrooms and even outside. This list is perfect for that!
Spring cleaning leaving your want to redecorate? This post and this post is for you!

BONUS Spiritual & Personal Spring Cleaning
Our homes are our domestic church. They are where we lay our head, rest our bones and raise our babies. A clean home is important to a product, happy and healthy family. But more important than a clean home is a clean spiritual home! Easter comes in spring and there is no better time for a personal spiritual cleanse. By completing all or most of the tasks on this checklist, you will be able to care for your loved ones and your home with grace!
Before starting this spiritual spring cleaning, I recommend praying and asking God to show you the areas of your life that need ‘cleaned’ the most. What vices are you struggling with? Are there sins that you find yourself repeating? What does your family need most from you? Then jump right in!

Refresh & Renew this Spring
I hope these easy & free spring cleaning checklists provide you with a place to start and the peace to begin. Always remember to keep into account the season of life you are in and that completing these lists is important but not more important than the people in our lives. Also remember that we should be proud of our homes and hearts, because that is where the Spirit dwells. God bless.