Every new baby comes with a list of necessities and baby #6 is no different! Being a mother of 6 kids, I have had a lot of experience with what does and doesn’t work as well as what you do and don’t need when it comes to caring for a new baby. Whether you are a first time mom or seasoned mom like myself, I wanted to share with you my favorite baby items for baby #6 in hopes it makes your baby prep a bit easier! Here goes!
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Mushie Muslin Swaddle Blankets

I have used muslin swaddle blankets for my last three babies and I LOVE them! I wish I had had them for my older three. They are big yet lightweight and are perfect for swaddling as well as nursing cover ups, spit rags and loveys! This time around for Zeke I ordered Mushie brand muslin swaddles and I love their softness and quality!
I also love this swaddle from Be A Heart designs…it features Our Lady of La Leche who was a huge help for me during those first weeks of recovery and breastfeeding! (Learn more about Our Lady of La Leche here!)

Haakaa Manual Breast Pump

Baby Zeke was the first baby I had since becoming a SAHM so I am excited to not have to worry about pumping my breastmilk! My goal this time is to not have to pump at all and to strictly breastfeed. So far it’s been great and we haven’t used any bottles but as any nursing mother will tell you, that first week or two when your milk comes in and baby is learning to nurse can be a bit rough. The Haakaa manual breast pump was a lifesaver to relieve engorgement between feedings without having to fully pump (which signals your body to produce even more milk!) I still used my Medela pump a time or two if the baby was having a really sleepy day and I just needed more relief.
The Haakaa handheld pump worked great for catching the milk released from the opposite breast during nursing as well. Once Zeke and I established a routine this leaking when away but this was great at first. I highly recommend it as a good and helpful budget-friendly breast pump and a great help those first weeks nursing!
For more on my breastfeeding must-have items, read this post!
Solly Baby Wrap

Babywearing is definitely a new trend and I am here for it! Knowing I would be spending my days with a toddler and newborn, I wanted an easy way to get things done with baby in tow. Enter the Solly Baby Wrap!
There are so many wraps out there and while I haven’t tried them all, I will tell you this one is amazing! It is so buttery soft, comes in beautiful colors, is super easy to tie on (seriously, I did it the first time with their instructions!) and is easy to toss in the diaper bag. I love ours to take on walks…instead of a bulky double stroller I can carry the baby and push our toddler in the stroller!
Bibs Pacifiers

Most of my babies have been pacifier lovers! They are so great for helping to sooth babies between feedings. For our sixth baby, I found the Bibs pacifiers and they are wonderful! They have a natural, BPA-Free rubber nipple and a timeless, classic look. I love the modern colors available too…no childish prints! I love the ring that comes on them too, that is similar to the old pacifiers we used and makes them easy to attach to clips or loop through your finger! Zeke loves his and there hasn’t been any nipple confusion with nursing either!
Mushie Pacifier Clip

To go along with our Bibs pacifiers, I have a Mushie pacifier clip. I love using the clips for the carseat so you don’t have to search for it all over! When the baby gets a bit older, it will be great to clip to his shirt to keep handy and in his reach! I love the classic and modern style of the Mushie pacifier clip and I love that the silicone beads will double as a teether! The clip is rounded and wooden as well so its easier on babies soft skin. I think I will be getting Zeke a second one for Christmas just to have on hand!
Bend Soap Co. Goats Milk Soap

I can’t say enough good things about this soap. All of my kids have had sensitive skin and we have struggled finding a good soap for them…even gentle baby soap was too harsh! Our fifth baby, Kip had it the worst and struggled with eczema as well. I had a friend suggest Bend Soap Co. goats milk soap so we gave it a try! It actually cleared up Kip’s eczema! We still use it for Kip and I have used it for our sixth baby, Zeke as well. It’s so gentle and has a nice soft, clean scent. I use it all over for both boys and Zeke has been our first baby to not have to deal with cradle cap or dry, flaky skin!
This soap is handmade by a fellow large family out in Bend, Oregon. They offer bar soap, lotions, lip balm and more! Plus they offer subscription services (I love anything that makes shopping easy!) and bundles. I love being able to shop small and support other families!
Halo Baby Sleepsack Swaddle

We were gifted a Halo Baby Sleepsack in the hospital and it’s such a lifesaver! It puts my mind at ease because I don’t have to worry about the swaddle blanket coming undone through the night and getting over the baby’s face. The velcro panels are so easy to use and can be used to swaddle with arms down (which is how Zeke likes it!) or with their arms out. It comes with a two-way zipper as well to make diaper changes a breeze! I ordered this one as the next size up for Zeke…I can’t believe he is big enough for it already!
Tried and true

These items are all new items for baby #6 but they aren’t the only thing we use. Some other basic items are tried and true and are different with every mom! You can find my favorite breastfeeding items in this post and you will find some of my postpartum items in this post!
We are blessed with hand-me-downs from the other kiddos! While I find myself at times browsing the internet for the newest and cutest baby items, I love seeing Zeke using the same bouncer and play gym that all 5 of his siblings used! I would definitely recommend less is more. Invest in items you know are best for you and baby and invest in items you know you will use again and again!
What are some of your favorite baby items you swear by? I would love for you to share them!