It’s funny…Marlee came up to me last night and randomly started asking me what some of my favorite things where. What were some of my favorite things? I will be honest. It totally stumped me! As a wife and mother of four, I don’t really think about ‘me’ a whole lot. I struggled to answer her! After some thought I gave her some things I could think of but walked away thinking, how could that be such a hard question?

My Favorite Things 2016
With today being my birthday, I thought what a great time to sit down and really answer Marlee’s question! It have been blogging for 6 months now and I have made so many new friends! This is a great way for them to maybe get to know me a little better as well. So here goes! A list of some of my favorite things!
I am a mother of 4 busy kids so coffee is about my only drink! All things coffee, but especially iced coffee! And I find the older I get and the more I drink it, the less sweet I like it!
Chocolate but is that really a food?! It’s good in cake, cookies, coffee, just about any way. Dark, white, milk, you really can’t go wrong with chocolate!
Without a doubt, my absolute favorite place is home. Seriously, just being home with my family is everything I want!

My favorite sports team has always been the Cleveland Browns! I was born and raised to spend Sunday afternoons cheering on the brown and orange!
My favorite colors change a lot. Right now I would say purple or teal…I can’t decide!
Fall, hands down! I have an October birthday so I have always liked it but I love the crisp air and changing leaves too! Plus the promise of the holidays!
My Best Friend’s Wedding is for sure my favorite movie! I am a Julia Roberts fan and I love that the movie doesn’t end as you would expect!
I have always loved all kinds of different music! Currently I love Adelle, the Beatles, Dean Martin, Eric Church…to name a few!
I have always loved Batman. I am not sure why, but he has always been my fav! He doesn’t have any superpowers so that’s endearing. He’s just an orphan out the save the world!
The Big Bang Theory is hilarious! It’s funny every time and we even enjoy watching the reruns!

Indianapolis, Indiana. My Husband and I made this our go-to place and we try to go every year for our anniversary. We love to explore more each year!
I think this is everyone’s favorite but I would say Amazon! (Other than of course!) I am a proud Prime member here!
Harry & Izzy’s is our new favorite! This is an amazing restaurant Erik and I found in downtown Indy. Melt in your mouth filet mignon! Too bad (but probably good for the wallet) we don’t live close and can’t go too often!
I have always been a big Scooby fan! My favorite episode is the one with the Creeper…I mean, the baby chick thinks Scooby is his momma! Love!
I really love to watch football and baseball. But I would say I like volleyball the most when it comes to playing a sport! I played in middle school and a bit in high school. It’s fun
I have always loved the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. I have read it many times and I have even introduced it to my kids!
My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the decorations, the gift-giving, the smells, the smiles, the lights, the love and Jesus. It’s more than a holiday, it’s a feeling!
Read about our Christmas tradition of the Giving Manger here!

My favorite pastime is hanging with my family…playing outside with the kids, enjoying a campfire! We love to hang out together at home, roasting hotdogs and marshmallows over the fire!
My favorite things
There you have it! Some of my favorite things! Some of these took some thought! To learn more about me and my family, click here! When was the last time you stopped and thought about some of your favorite things?! Please share some of them!