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Having a grateful heart opens your life up to many more blessings. Practicing gratitude is such a powerful way to grow closer to your loved ones and to grow closer to Christ. Not to mention, it’s the best way to becoming content with your life, and that is something that is lost today in the world of materialism. Showing gratitude in the everyday moments is a simple yet powerful skill. Here are some easy tips

Gallery Wall Shelf Display

Gallery Wall Ideas: Tour our home


Making our house a home is a constant project and one that I am passionate about! My goal is for our home to be a safe and holy place for our children to dwell. This takes time and money, so after a little budgeting and saving, I finally have our walls updated with beautiful (and some functional) galleries full of family photos, holy words and gorgeous artwork. I poured my heart into these little bits

The Surrender Novena Printable

I am a wife and mother of six and I am the first to admit, my life is anything but balanced. I have many seasons of struggle and I am in the middle of that season now. Everything is busy and I can’t seem to keep things balanced…time with my husband, caring for the children, housework, spending time with our parents, and prayer…just to name a few things on my to-do list. And, like most


Decorating our home and creating a happy and holy space is a goal of mine! It’s an ongoing process and I love to find new pieces and update things as time goes on and seasons change. Another important aspect I consider in my home decorating is keeping the true and holy words of Christ up in front of me and my family to see. Keeping in mind our budget, I love just updating frames we

Homemade Angel Food Ice Cream Cake

Some of my favorite memories of my grandma are the delicious treats she would make! Being a homemaker and mother of 8 children, she knew a thing or two! Her most famous recipe is her coffee cake…it’s one of those recipes that no one can replicate and we all miss it so much! (She would make each grandchild 3 for their birthdays!) But one of the other cakes I remember my grandma making is her


Our second son just celebrated his 11th birthday! We keep birthdays simple here by making the child’s favorite meal and dessert! In the past we used to try and take each child on an individual ‘date’ but it got to be a bit too hectic. (Three of our six children have birthdays within 3 weeks of each other…and my husbands is in there too!) So in place of that, I started getting the kids a

St. Patrick Printable

St. Patrick’s day is always such a fun day to celebrate! Our family isn’t Irish but we love this saint and celebrate each year with green food & rainbow candy! We also like to talk about the shamrock and how St. Patrick used it to teach the Holy Trinity! We even do fun crafts sometimes but sometimes we are just too busy. That is usually when I look for a fun and easy coloring page


Lent has begun and although we are walking along with Christ to Calvary right now, us mothers always have to think ahead! Easter is one of our Church’s biggest celebrations and with Easter comes the Easter Bunny (at least in our house!). Staying on budget is super important so I thought I would share with you my list of Easter Basket Ideas for Under $10. Keep on reading for ideas for every age! This post

Lent Coloring Sheet

Lent always approaches so quickly after Christmastime and there are years when I feel so unprepared. Each year looks a little different as far as what we all accomplish as a family during this liturgical season, but each year I make it a point to be sure the kids are involved and informed. The easiest way to do this is to talk to them about their sacrifices. This year I put together this fun Kids

Hallow App and Rosary - Love & Messiness
Catholic Faith

My Favorite Prayer App


As a busy mom of six kids, finding time to pray can be a challenge! It’s sad to say that there are days that prayer gets put on the back burner because I’m busy and my hands are full. BUT, all of this changed when I found the Hallow app! It is my absolute favorite prayer app and has transformed my prayer life. Keep on reading to find out how! This post contains affiliate links.