I feel like this is a constant struggle for me as a mother. In general, the Fiely’s avoid doctors. (To each is their own, but we feel the more you get over things yourself without meds, the more you can fight off!) But when your 1 year old is slowing down and showing signs of distress, you have to ask yourself…do I call the doctor? Please just tell me, tiny toddler who can’t talk, are you sick or teething?
Vayda has been dealing with some….ahem…rather ‘not normal’ poop as of late. We have been taking it in stride and it hasn’t seemed to bother her at all. In fact, she started pooping like a bear in the woods, squatted down and all. The kids thought it was hilarious!
Unfortunately, as us mothers know, along with a lot of poop comes a lot of diaper rash. I don’t care what cream or diaper you use. When you poop all day long, your butt is going to get sore. And then along comes Monday and with it came a fever.
Now, I think from about 4 months through their second year they are technically teething. She sticks things in her mouth, drools, and all of that. And a fever isn’t abnormal to go along with this.
By Monday night she was fussy and wasn’t eating right. Still running a fever. This morning she woke up with a fever and she definitely doesn’t feel good. Luckily we got a doctors appointment and we will get her checked out.
The worst part is the not knowing! And I have had it both ways…I have gone to the doctor for just a cold and I have gone to find out it is worse. Erik said surely someone by now could have invented a light to put on their heads to indicate if they are sick or just teething. Man, that would be amazing!
Wish me luck!
♥ K