Each year the feast of St. Nicholas seems to sneak right up on us after the Thanksgiving holiday! That leaves me scrambling for stocking stuffer ideas that my children will love! My children enjoy celebrating this feast day in part because it makes it really begin to feel like Christmas is approaching!
Our St. Nicholas tradition has always been to lay out our stockings the night before his feast (Dec. 5) and slip in our Christmas Lists. Then, on the morning of his feast (Dec. 6) the kids awake to their lists being gone and sweet little prizes left (enter: great stocking stuffers)! We typically do small gifts and chocolates and even though they aren’t elaborate, our kids (even the teens!) get so excited. I love that this ties right along with the true story of St. Nicholas, who left coins in the middle of the night, so to not be recognized or praised!
So, for all of those who the feast has snuck up on you or you are just struggling for ideas for stocking stuffers, I have included below 15 different stocking stuffer ideas that are low cost. Some of these our children have received and love, some they will get this year, and some are just ideas that I’ve had but haven’t used yet. I hope you find this helpful!
All the items are linked below, some of which are affiliated links.

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St. Nicholas Stocking Stuffers
- Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza This card game is a blast and all of our kids love it!
- Cover Your Assets This game is on the list for this year! I have heard awesome things!
- Fuzzy Socks All of our kids will be getting cozy socks or jammies this year!
- Chocolate St. Nicholas These are hard to find, but perfect for the occasion!
- Chocolate Coins A must for the Feast of St. Nicholas!
- Wool Mittens Is it me, or do all of the pairs go missing each year?!
- Mother Mary Doll A perfect chance to add to your ShiningLightDolls collection.
- Art Supplies My kids love this brand and can always use a fresh set!
- Nativity Activity Book This book is great to keep little hands busy.
- Christmas Farm This book made the list this year after reading great reviews.
- The Night the Saints Saved Christmas We have this and my kids LOVE it.
- Santa & Baby Jesus Puzzle Such a beautiful image!
- Saint Mini Puzzles Two of my littles will be getting these in their stockings.
- Moon Ball My kids love these…especially my teen boys!
- Ribbon Wand Perfect for any little girl!
I pray you have a blessed feast day and a wonderful Advent season! Please take a look at my DIY Advent Calendar (that we have been using for 6+ years now!) and grab my free printable Advent cards…click here!