I am a wife and mother of six and I am the first to admit, my life is anything but balanced. I have many seasons of struggle and I am in the middle of that season now. Everything is busy and I can’t seem to keep things balanced…time with my husband, caring for the children, housework, spending time with our parents, and prayer…just to name a few things on my to-do list. And, like most mothers, I am my own worst critic.

It’s no coinicidence though, that when life gets overwhelming and anxiety creeps in (hello there Satan…) that I notice the first and most important ball has been dropped. Prayer. It falls out of habit and behind other tasks and it shows. Satan rears his ugly head and has me full of doubt, anxiety, worry and sometimes even fear. When these things start up and start to sink in, I quickly stop and turn all my focus to prayer. This isn’t always easy and it sometimes takes a gentle reminder from my husband, but prayer is the surest and quickest way to defeat the evil one. The Surrender Novena is my go-to prayer in times like this. (Continue reading for FREE novena print!)
The Surrender Novena
There are so many ways to pray and I go through times where I enjoy one way more than the other. Our Catholic faith is FULL of different ways to pray…the rosary, novenas, litanies…just to name a few. When I am in crisis mode and need my thoughts aligned with heaven, I go to the Surrender Novena.
Unlike most novenas, which are prayed nine days before a specific feast day, this one can be prayed at any time. It’s simple, beautiful and thought provoking. In fact, day 1 starts out with Jesus asking this simple question, “Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying?”. Once we are reminded that He truly carries us through, there can be no worry!

The Surrender Novena Printable
The Surrender Novena is one that you want to have on hand all of the time. You never know when the Devil will strike, and trust me, he will! I tend to bookmark prayers on my phone or save it on Instagram but I find I must use these prayers when they are printed and stuck right inside my bible. Something about a tangible reminder helps me to keep the habit going!
Click below to get a free Surrender Novena printable:

Tips for Daily Prayer
I have a terrible memory. I don’t know if it’s just me, or a mom thing. You know, I have to remember everything for everyone else, so when it comes to remember my things, I can’t! If you are like me, here are a few easy ways to remember praying this novena each day:
- Print and hang on the refrigerator or lay it next to the coffee maker.
- Tape it to the bathroom mirror.
- Print a copy and placed it in your bible or whichever book you are reading at the time.
- Lay it on your night stand for easy grabbing in the morning or before bed.
- Set a reminder on your phone or use the Hallow App…the Surrender Novena is on there and can be listened to hands free!
Learn more about why I love the Hallow app here!

Let go & Let God
If you are struggling letting go and trusting God’s will, then I can’t recommend this novena more! Try it and please let me know how it works for you. I will be praying for you!