Since we were married, my husband and I found family meals very important and promised that after we had children, we would continue the tradition. Almost 6 kids later and we are still gathering around the dinner table together! It’s so easy to get caught up these days and then let little moments and traditions like this slip. We vowed not to do that as best as we can (knowing it won’t be perfect, especially as our kids get older and more active!) and I wanted to share with you some of the reasons why our tradition of family meals is so important and also share some tips on how to get this tradition started in your home!

The Importance of Family Meals
Family Prayer
Praying before meals is one of the reasons eating together is important. Often times, Grace Before Meals is the only time we get to pray together as a family that day. Praying together is powerful and uniting and I love that even our little Kip (who is currently 2) knows to fold his hands and mumbles incoherent prayers before we take our first bite. Bless his heart!
Shop for a beautiful Grace Before Meals print here!

Time to Talk
All too often our family gets really busy all at once and everyone is running different directions. Take for example when school is in session and my husband works all day then our evenings consist of practices and meetings, carving that time for supper as a family allows us to turn everything off and focus on each other. We get precious time to talk, taking turns telling each other about our days, talking about what is going on for the week, and so on. I feel that taking time to talk to our children & ask them questions helps them to feel important (especially in a large family!) and also creates a bond and great memories!
Teaching moments
Family meals are full of teachable moments. Our children learn how to interact with each other and to show concern and care for one another. They also learn how to carry on conversations which is huge for outside interaction. Manners are also well taught at the dinner table…I can’t tell you how many times a night our children get reminders like ‘Close your lips’ and ‘Say please!’.

Creating lifelong habits
One other important reason family meals are important to us is they are creating expectations for our children as adults. I oftentimes think of what my children are going to take away from our family life as they leave the nest and start lives and families of their own. I want them to remember how special this tradition was for them and start them with their own families!
Creating the Tradition
It is all too easy these days to fill our lives with appointments, practices, games, playdates and more. And the bigger the family, the more packed the schedule gets! We prefer to simplify as much as we can but some things can’t be avoided. With all that life brings, we sometimes have to get creative to make this tradition stick. Here are some easy tips for those of you looking to get better at or create the tradition of family meals!

Be Flexible
One important aspect to starting or continuing family meals is to be flexible. Sometimes there will be days where unless we eat at 9pm, we won’t all be together. That’s fine! Sometimes the only meal we are all home for is breakfast, but we go with it! What we do is pick a time (or meal) when most of us can be there and just make up for the person missing later. For example, if our daughter has practice and eats later, my husband and/or I will sit with her to just talk about her day. Just having that time with them is special!
Lower your Expectations
Don’t expect the perfect family meal every time. Know that there will be times where it’s just a hot mess, no one can get along, the meal turns out wrong or you only have 30 minutes before someone has to dash off. Every effort counts so don’t let even the messiest of meals get you down. Besides, there is always the next time to do things better!

Set a time
Maybe you have older kids who run on their own schedule. I think in this case, it’s important to set a consistent meal time! That way instead of mom keeping track of everyones school, sports, and work schedules, all she has to do is have supper on the table at 5 and say a little prayer that most of her babies will be there! This way kids (who hopefully have been used to family meals) know that if they can be home by 5, they get to eat with the family!
Create a meal plan
Meal planning is not only a sanity saver and penny saver, it can also be a great way to help carry out the tradition of family meals! Get creative and let each kid pick a meal each week. Maybe they get to help cook it or if your kids are older, maybe they can take turns cooking! This adds a fun element to keep kids excited about coming to supper.

Start NOW
If you don’t already take the time to eat together, start NOW! I can’t tell you how important it is to our family and the amazing things we’ve gained from it! Be firm with your choice and stick with it…you won’t regret it when you see all those smiling faces around the table!