Happy New Year friends! You all showed up in a big way last year and I have loved having you here! Here is a quick review of your top five favorite blog posts of 2023!

Top 5 Favorite Blog Posts

Top 5 Favorite Blog Posts
1. Scriptural Advent Calendar: How-to & Free Printable Cards
Your favorite blog post is my step-by-step on how we made our beloved Advent calendar. My children love getting this out each year! These plans include a free set of printable Advent cards that include scripture and a fun activity. Far and away a favorite among readers!

2. 7 Great Saints for Mothers
This favorite blog post is a list of some of my favorite saints that I turn to in motherhood. Some were mothers themselves while others are just great advocates. I wear my St. Gerard medal through every pregnancy!

3. Free St. Nicholas Letter Printable
This is a new favorite! My children loved this addition to our Advent traditions and I loved how simple and easy it was. If you didn’t get to use it this year, make sure to save this blog post for next year!

4. 7 Great Saints for Fathers
Similar to my list of saints for mothers, this lists includes 7 great saints for dads. My husband turns to these many times. Our saints are really some of our best friends!

5. The Ultimate Catholic Shopping Guide
This is one of my personal favorite blog posts because it lists my favorite Catholic shops! I update this each year and love that it’s a top 5 favorite! I hope that you find and love these small businesses as much as I do!
Thanks to my Readers
Thank you so much to all of you readers! Some of you are new and some have been with me a long time. Some of you have found me through Instagram or Pinterest and others through my newsletter. No matter how you got here, I appreciate you! I don’t blog to make money or to gain fame, I just love to share little bits of knowledge that may help along our path to sainthood!
In Christ, Kristy