Many of you may not know much about Multiple Sclerosis. Some of you may have heard of it and not really understand it. And some of you may know it all too well because either you or someone you know suffers from the disease. MS is a neurological disease. One that affects millions of people and one that, for me, hits close to home.

I am one of those millions of people whom it affects. I don’t personally have MS, but one of the greatest woman in the world does. The person who raised me, who taught me to walk and ride a bike. Who showed me how to bake cookies and how to keep a clean house. My mom. My mother was diagnosed with this stupid disease years ago. And along with her, I am fighting to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis!

Searching for a cure for ms
There is so much unknown about MS (Multiple Sclerosis). There is no cure but over the years, with donations and research, they have found ways of treating the symptoms. One thing working against all of these doctors and researchers is that each case is unique, not one of them the same. A perfect example, my uncle and godfather and my mom’s brother, was diagnosed with MS at a younger age than her and died at a young age, with young kids, do to complications from the disease.
Multiple Sclerosis: n. a chronic, typically progressive disease involving damage to the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, whose symptoms may include numbness, impairment of speech and of muscular coordination, blurred vision, and severe fatigue.
Mom’s Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis
Even though they cannot link Multiple Sclerosis to be hereditary in any way, my mother found herself diagnosed years later but with somewhat different symptoms. Her symptoms don’t seem to be quite as severe and she (thank the Lord!) has actually been in remission! She was diagnosed at a later age, much later than most Multiple Sclerosis patients are, and has been controlling her symptoms pretty successfully so far…although there are days.
Read about our family vacation with mom here!

Our Walk MS Tradition
Each year we have made it a tradition to join other families and our community and walk in our local Walk MS event! I love the feeling of community and support that this walk brings! We rally together and all do our best to raise money to fund research and to fight to find a cure! Our team name is Team Fancy Nancy (my mom’s name!) and I am proud to say we are always one of the biggest groups and larger donors! We have our amazing community to thank for that!
Donate today!
I invite all of you to please take a moment, do some research, become aware, get involved and maybe most importantly, DONATE. Donate to help find a cure. Donate to the countless hours of research. Donate for my mom. Donate for my late uncle and the children he left behind. Donate for my friend. Your friend. Your neighbor. Anyone and everyone.
Please also pray. Pray for the sufferers. Pray for their families and friends. Pray for the doctors and researchers. Pray to end the suffering and pray for a cure!
You will find a link here to donate. Anything and everything is appreciated. Also, learn more about Multiple Sclerosis by visiting Finally, do you or someone you love suffer from MS? I would love to hear from you! Please comment below or email me at God bless!